Thursday, April 21, 2011

OK a change

So I let my membership at Weight Watchers lapse, my credit card expired & I haven't been back in for a weigh in in a few weeks, just because it has been insanely busy! Insane!

So i had this app on my phone called "lose it" and i started using it!

I am Pleasantly surprised that it is VERY SIMILAR to WW, really easy to do the same exact things on this too!

I have discovered that if I am making notes about what i eat, i eat duh
Exercising is key, thats it, i have to get my ass moving 3 times or more a weeek, that is the way it is
portion control, portion control, portion control.......

nothing new from a few weeks ago, more of the same.....

check in next week for a home weigh in!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take that....

9.6 pounds!!!

These 10 have been hard to lose, but this is what 9.6 looks like on me....

I am starting to like it!!!!!!!